
B99BM Assignment 1 -
A discussion on “The role of yeast in the formation of aroma compounds in alcoholic beverages”. Beverage Microbiology and Biochemistry, Semester 1 2020.
B99BM Assignment 2 -
A poster presentation on “The use of Koji in the production of alcoholic beverages”. Beverage Microbiology and Biochemistry, Semester 1 2020.


Master Brewers Podcast -
A weekly podcast with interviews with the industry’s best & brightest in brewing science, technology, and operations.


Switching Software -
A well maintained comprehensive list of free and open source alternatives to centralised and non-free software and sites. Useful source of information to help you de-google or leave facebook etc.

Evil Social Media

Brewshido IG -
Reluctant but necessary Instagram account for brewery related updates.
Hidaka Vegan -
Reluctant but necessary Instagram account to raise a little local awareness about vegan food in the village.


Press Coverage


The Spirit of Scots -
An interesting short article introducing some common Scots words and phrases.

Scottish Politics

Vegan Recipes

Vegan Richa -
Excellent recipes available both on the site and in Richa’s cookery books.

Web Design